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Page Last Updated on: Wednesday, December 11, 2024 6:53 PM
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VSP™ © 2004 - 2025 Developed by Krillin (krillinsworld <AT> gmail <DOT> com) | created by myrdd1n

Voodoo Stats Processor - v1.1.52

VSP™ (Voodoo Stats Processor) is a multi game - log analyzer/stats generator/log parser. The program can process log files from several games including Quake 3 Arena (q3a), Halflife 1, 2, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Source, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (wet), Return to Castle Wolfenstein (rtcw), Call Of Duty, COD: United Offensive (cod), Medal of Honor Allied Assault, MOHAA: Spearhead, MOHAA: BreakThrough (moh), Soldier of Fortune 2 (sof2), etc. It reads the log files generated by a game and displays various game statistics. VSP™ also supports both server logs (ex:- games.log for Q3A) and client logs (ex:- qconsole.log for Q3A).


Lead Program / Design : Krillin
Created By : myrdd1n
Programming : Krillin & react
Hosting : Krillin's World
VSP™ Dev Website | Krillin's World VSP™ Live Test Site
Authentic Download Voodoo Stats Processor at VSP™ Download Section!

Work In Progress

The documents presented here are forever changing for one reason or another. Due to the nature of the content it is always being updated...


Download VSP CORE and The Media Files and Map Sets, if available, for your game.

  1. Unpack the downloaded files into a folder
  2. CORE first
  3. Media Files Second
  4. Then any mapsets
  5. Replace All Files When Prompted

Now it is time get VSP™ running!

A web hosting company will have everything set up and ready to go for you! You can skip straight to "3. Configuration Guidelines".