Page Last Updated on: Tuesday, December 17, 2024 1:33 AM
Unique Visitors: 35,118
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Welcome to VSP™!

The home of VSP™ (Voodoo Stats Processor). Originally created by myrdd1n back on March 1st, 2004. Krillin had been working with myrdd1n since July of 2004 and is the creator of the HL Media content for VSP™ released in November of 2004. Myrdd1n has been unreachable since August of 2008 leaving VSP™ crippled. So Krillin stepped in as the replacment author then and there. Krillin is keeping VSP™ up-to-date making Krillin the author of VSP™ as of July 1st, 2011 when version VSP-CORE_0.46 was shared with the public.

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New VSP™ Core Version

On December 6th, 2024, the latest verion of VSP™ has been released! VSP CORE 23 November, 2024. We humbally thank FragenStein for reminding us we had been neglecting our roots. They brought to our attention an issue with VSP™ with Q3A throwing several errors. This was because we had been neglecting Quake 3 Area Game for more than 15 years. So we tackled the issues and opened up whole can of worms! Q3A is finally complete and works with ExcessivePlus 2.3 (E+) and PHP 8.4.1 (at the time of this writing)!

There is some bad news for those in VIOLATION of the License Agreement. The License Agreement is going to be FULLY ENFORCED going back to VSP_v0.01. You can read more about our plans in VSP™ Section Of The Forum to read how you and your hosting company WILL be LEGALLY effected for violations of the License Agreement.

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01 July 2011

On July 1st, 2011, a core version 0.46 was released to patch up well-known SQL injection exploits and fixes to a few other problematic issues with new releases of PHP7 & MySQL. Krillin wanted to share the fix, so it was then and there he decided to share it with the world and dedicated himself to keep VSP™ up-to-date for a long as humanly possible.

Back Story

Since July 1st, 2011 there have been a handful of updates for VSP™ and they include v0.46, v0.47, v0.475, v0.478, v0.48, v0.49, v0.50 and v1.0.51. Krillin is happy to announe the next future release of VSP™ v1.1.52.

01 March 2024

We are pround to announce VSP™ v1.0.51 is HERE! It is has been tested and developed with 8.2.16. We have developed and updated VSP™ Base Code to run with the newest version of PHP LESS THAN 8.2.16 builds along with HTML5/CSS3. We have tested the parser as much a possible before its release on March 1st, 2024. After 3 years and 1,000's of hours VSP™ v1.0.51 is READY. ENJOY!

Where To Download

You can navigate your way to the VSP™ Download section of our forums. No registration is required to download the newly released version. Registration is only required if you have a problem and need assistance or have some input in order to post. Please do not post links directly to the download. You need to post a link to our VSP™ Download Section.

VSP™ v1.1.52 Requirements:

– Web Server like Apache or IIS
– PHP Version 7.4.33 - 8.4.1
– MariaDB Version 10.5.8
MySQL Version 8.0.23

Read the _Docs/ReadME.html several times to fully understand the instructions before proceeding or getting help