Steam (NON) Support

Started by Krillin, November 08, 2008, 10:41:37 AM

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Here is the open ticket matter with regards to connecting to password protected services since the client and server FORCED UP YOUR ASS update on 10/23/2008!

Quote from: Steam (non) SupportConnecting to Password Protected Servers


    * disconnected from password protected server without asking for PASSWORD!!.JPG - View Image (File Size : 116.8 KB)

Question Property     Question Value
Subject    Connecting to Password Protected Servers
Category    Steam Questions > Feedback
Email    *PRIVATE*
Product    *STEAM*
Steam Account Name    *******

1  « Message by (Krillin) on Thu, 23rd Oct 2008 9:02 pm »
Since the latest lovely updates from "STEAM" we have noticed yet another big screw-up. We run a dedicated Counter-Strike server which is PASSWORD PROTECTED. But the problem is not the dedicated server!

This new update has 2 problems;

#1 The server on the list doesn't even show the "LOCK" icon indicating the server is PASSWORD PROTECTED.

#2 Players are NOT PROMPTED for the password and get a message "Connection to the game server was refused. The password entered is incorrect."

This issue is REQUIRED to be fixed being as everything worked before the new backward update was applied.


2  « Message by Nate on Fri, 24th Oct 2008 3:11 pm »
Hello ______,

Thank you for contacting Steam Support.

Please try verifying your game cache files and testing the issue.

Please follow the link below for information:

Title: Verifying GCF Cache Files

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

3  « Message by (Krillin) on Sun, 26th Oct 2008 1:57 am »
I have more than one server that I play on, so I do not see how checking my "local Game Conten Files" is gonna help the 100's who are attempting to connect to this server and ALL have the same issue.

I am not some boy who got a computer for Christmas last year. I am an IT professional and am specialized in computer networking technology. So please do not waste my time "tier 1" tech support. I am above and beyond this level of support.

Now can please own up to the issue and dig down to the heart of this problem and let's come up with a more viable solution. Next step please!


4  « Message by Nate on Mon, 27th Oct 2008 2:15 pm »
Hello _____,

Please follow the link below for information:

Title: ClientRegistry.blob

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

5  « Message by (Krillin) on Sun, 2nd Nov 2008 10:11 pm »
Problem unresolved. A server running for 10 days still has 0 (zero) players in it. Anything else?

One P/O-ed Server Op

6  « Message by Cody on Mon, 3rd Nov 2008 3:32 pm »
Hello ______,

While we have made some suggestions regarding basic troubleshooting, we do no offer support for server issues. You may, however, be able to find helpful information in the Dedicated Server forums.

Steam Tool Discussions

7  « Message by (Krillin) on Tue, 4th Nov 2008 3:58 am »
This is typical of non-support to push this issue off to avoid what the issue really is. Do we need a reminder of why this ticket was presented to begin with? Here, let me refresh your memories;

Since the latest lovely updates from "STEAM" we have noticed yet another big screw-up. We run a dedicated Counter-Strike server which is PASSWORD PROTECTED. But the problem is not the dedicated server!

This new update has 2 problems;

#1 The server on the list doesn't even show the "LOCK" icon indicating the server is PASSWORD PROTECTED.

#2 Players are NOT PROMPTED for the password and get a message "Connection to the game server was refused. The password entered is incorrect."

This issue is REQUIRED to be fixed being as everything worked before the new backward update was applied.

We better get to the bottom of this, or I am going to take more drastic actions!

VSP™ v1.1.52 Released currently working on v1.1.53 in progress