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Help / Re: VSP Not Showing Up
Last post by Fragenstein - November 22, 2024, 12:05:11 PM
PM'd you a link to the changed file.
Help / Re: VSP Not Showing Up
Last post by Krillin - November 20, 2024, 11:56:35 PM
Once again, you are not using the Authentic VSP! And you are screwing up the character color's which is what all the ^n by commenting out the color array as that is what its purpose is for. Yes, i looked at your phpfreaks posts, though I found it interesting, I felt no need to make the changes you made as that is NOT an authentic VSP version, so there is no need to reference them here, but it did make an interesting and confusing reading.

With everything I am working on, and the mismatch of configured servers, the last issue being delt with is an issue generating the awards due to lack of accuracy tracking within quake 3 arena. I see your logs have something in them, but cannot determine how they got there as my log does not have this though we are using E+ 2.3. So I am unsure where to go at this point as I have spent countless hours in as many days in as many weeks trying to figure this issue out. Your server logs have TELEFRAGS in them from the item Holdable Teleport (teleport is disabled on my servers, but fixed) and there are "UNKNOWN" kills in your log files playing havoc with an Authentic VSP. Otherwise, it is working 100% perfectly (see the attached image below). The issue just appears to be with YOUR log file, as I generated a few myself, ran the Authentic VSP against the log file, NO ERRORS?  ???

Can you send me the changed file(s) you think you corrected from your conflicted quake-3a-VSP? Sorry my files keep getting corrupted. I did manage to get the media files back for all Q3A mods, BTW. I have ran your logs so many times with the same database it was up to 360 MB of data until today, I emptied the database tonight is now 19.9MB, except the generated awards issue. There should be a fallback of some sorts. The more I fix, the more I wake up the code.  A bit of a domino effect.

One thing I will not compromise is my CS Player stats database as it is over 1 GB with 19-20 years of player stats. Don't think it is live right now. And some time next year I will be filing a DMCA takedown with github for violations of the license agreement as these guys are using VSP 0.45 core and they are in violation of the license agreement, I wrote to them, they refused, now it is time to play Mr. Badguy!
Help / Re: VSP Not Showing Up
Last post by Fragenstein - October 18, 2024, 07:07:07 AM
Quote from: Krillin on October 17, 2024, 10:28:24 PMAnyways, I am working on some serious issues with Q3A package. But I think I just found a problem with the characterset E+ is using, and writing to the logs is causing a problem. I just need to verify a few things and work them out. Back to work.


There were definitely problems with the character set and E+ with the version I'm currently using. Most of the issues are with the vsp-q3a.php file. I got it fixed with help from requinix @ php freaks.
Help / Re: VSP Not Showing Up
Last post by Krillin - October 17, 2024, 10:28:24 PM
This should have been your first clue and there were a lot more clues thereafter:
Quote from: ReadMEOpen up pub/configs/cfg-default.php
d. If you want to access your stats from the www, give public access to the pub/themes, pub/games and pub/images subfolder including its sub-directories using your webserver.
NOTE:- if you still get access problems try giving public access to the entire pub/ folder or what ever folder you placed the files from /pub/ folder on your website.

The default theme that VSP uses is pub/themes/bismarck/index.php the index.php is the main stats webpage. If no config file is specified, index.php reads cfg-default.php and uses the information in that to access the MySQL stats database. You can make several different php config files with different database settings and other preferences and tell index.php to read your preferences from the specified config file. All the config files should be put in the ../configs/ folder. (".." is the folder where you uploaded the web portion of the VSP files from the /pub/ folder.

ex: If you have a config file called cfg-myconfig.php with your preferences, then you can tell index.php to read from that config file by accessing:

As the contents IN /pub/ are what need to be modified (mainly the /pub/configs/cfg-default.php before transferring the contents up to your web host. Like I said before, ReadME may needs to be rewritten to clarify. I have VSP v008 when I first started using VSP, so I will cross check them, but I am currently dealing with a whole can of worms with Q3A as it has gone untested for some time. I got the bugs worked out, but there are other problems with building the awards table, well, with assigning the playerID to the award specifically.. You would think it is a simple process, but it is not or maybe it is just me. I have been pouring over this code for the past 3 - 4 days.

Yeah, the directions I read so far are for setting up VSP on local computer. Section 3 does need some clarifying as I see a few details have been left out, as it is much simpler to setup on a webhost. But anyone with experience knows a folder with an "" file is what is needed for serving for the public. I have this on my TODO list for the next release. But the documents are dynamic I will update when I need a break. :-)

Anyways, I am working on some serious issues with Q3A package. But I think I just found a problem with the characterset E+ is using, and writing to the logs is causing a problem. I just need to verify a few things and work them out. Back to work.

Also, check the F.A.Q.'s?

Help / Re: VSP Not Showing Up
Last post by Fragenstein - October 15, 2024, 02:57:14 PM
"You are not supposed to FTP the entire contents of VSP_v1.0.51 to your website for viewing, you put the core on your site where YOU know it is if you need to run VSP via a Web Browser."

There is NOTHING in the ReadME as to where the files go, creating a new folder (IE: vspstats) etc...

"3. VSP Setup
If you installed MySQL / MariaDB, PHP, Apache or another webserver or made any changes to your system configuration, its a good idea to reboot your system before you continue any further.

If you made changes to PHP just restart your webserver (Apache or IIS).

a. i) Download the VSP core zip file and extract it to a folder of your choice.

ii) Download the game media zip file that you want VSP to work with and extract to the same folder you chose in step (3a.i), overwriting existing files if necessary. If there is no media file for the game you are looking for, you can ignore this step.

If you care to contribute any media files for your MOD, you are more than welcome to e-mail me and I will be more than happy to help. As of right now we have the Default Media files once found with VSP. We welcome if anyone wants to custom the content of the Default Media Files with the custom content, we all welcome the contribution. Plus it makes the VSP look better than a 'default' layout.

b. Open up pub/configs/cfg-default.php file using a text editor and specify your hostname, database name, database username, password, and other preferences. Further description of what each setting in the cfg file mean, can be found in cfg-default.php itself. Before you start parsing the logs, you must make sure that you set the variable $cfg['game']['name'] in the config file properly. Read the comments above that variable in cfg-default.php"

Help / Re: VSP and W:ET on nq 1.2.9 P...
Last post by Krillin - October 14, 2024, 10:12:49 PM
If you have your media set, we can use them as ours have gotten corrupted. We were able to reconstruct the packages for Q3A and of course HL (I still have my original files from 2004). If you would care to email them to me, the community would be grateful. But then again, this may be one of the Games which would be dropped from VSP as well as COD and I do not know anyone who uses RTCW. So... If nothing by the end of the year they will no longer be supported.

VSP™ Download / Re: Media Files (mapset) Exces...
Last post by Krillin - October 13, 2024, 03:55:38 PM
For those of you who are wondering where the Excessive Plus went. Sorry "XP" doesn't ship with any maps. Excessive Plus is a MOD for Quake 3 Arena / Team Arena and it just modifies games play. There are custom maps for the mod, but until they make a "map set" for their custom maps, there isn't one in existence. It just uses the default map sets for the game.
VSP™ Download / Media Files Q3 OSP Mapset (UPD...
Last post by Krillin - October 13, 2024, 03:50:31 PM
These are the Quake 3 Arena map sets for OSP in ZIP and 7z form. These are the base game map sets.
VSP™ Download / Media Files Q3 ctfscp Mapset (...
Last post by Krillin - October 13, 2024, 03:49:06 PM
These are the Quake 3 Arena map sets for CTFSCP in ZIP and 7z form. These are the base game map sets.
VSP™ Download / Media Files Q3 CPMA (UPDATED 1...
Last post by Krillin - October 13, 2024, 03:46:33 PM
These are the Quake 3 Arena / Team Arena map sets in ZIP and 7z form. These are the base game map sets.