... file differs from servers.

Started by Krillin, January 14, 2009, 10:55:22 PM

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You have been kicked from server:
Reason: Your [map/model/sprite.ext] differs from servers. Server enforcing file consistency checks.

We have seen this message more recently then ever. Why? From Windows' built in Disk Cleanup utility takes it upon its self to 'compress' your files for you. If you open up your STEAM install folder you will find files (if the color option is enabled) in the SOMEFILE.GFC blue color.

Your best fix will be to decompress your files from the source.

Here's how:

  • Right Click on the Drive and select, Propertied
  • Click the box for 'Compress Drive to save space' check box.
  • Click apply, then select Radio Option to Apply to D:\ Only, then OK.
  • Now Unclick the bod for 'Compress Drive to save space' check box.
  • Click apply, then select Radio Option to Apply to D:\, Subfolder and files', click ok
  • Wait until job is complete...
Now that your files do not have to do through the 'uncompression' phase during the fetching and opening of the file, STEAM (gag) can verify the file.

Simple enough.