VSP™ stats processor v1.1.52 [UPDATED 12/23/2024]

Started by Krillin, June 30, 2011, 11:12:13 PM

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Thank you for coming to Krillin's World Forums. Krillin, is major contributor to Voodoo Stats Processor, the developer / creator of the HL content, which is used for HL1 & HL2 engines for VSP back in November of 2004. Krillin has been upkeeping VSP since July 1, 2011 and still continuing today.

We posted VSP™ here to keep it as up-to-date as possible. Also to track the number of downloads. Here are the latest changes to VSP™;
Quote from: _Docs/ChangeLog.html23 November 2024 - v1.1.52 (alpha)
A Special Thanks to FragenStein for bringing the Q3A issues to our attention. It is because of Quake 3 Arena we are here today and upkeeping VSP™ since 2008.

Base 1 | Major .1 | Minor .52 = Update is (1.1.52)

- rmd: Removed some UNUSED CODE from the codebase (commented out code is debugging or a work in progress)
- rmd: Removed any and all .GIF file extention and replaced them with .WEBP to allow .WEBP .PNG .JPG file extentions (There may be one lingering in Q3A)
- rmd: Removed the /lib/adodb/vendor/ folder deemed unnecessary and saves 6.67MB 1,121 Files in 197 folders
- upd: Updated VSP™ Core for use with PHP 8.4.14 the PHP Version checks from 7.4 to 8.4 as 8.4 is released VSP™ approved (we will keep up with the latest)
- upd: Redesigned the VSP™ Logos for VSP and the Website the icon doesn't need to be change. This was required as the original source files could not be located
- upd: Updated awards system extensively, to search out weapons with single-quote ( ' ) in them and to (escape) \ the single-quote so the SQL query successfully runs (now we get I\'m in quotes)
- upd: Overhauled QUAKE 3 Arena / Team Arena / ExcessivePlus 2.3 (e+) / OSP / 3wave / cpma / ctfscp as well as Media Files & Mapsets
- upd: Updated VSP™ Core with visual enhancements for CLI, visual enhancements also effects Web Mode and a hand full minor bug fixes
- upd: Updated ALL style sheets to comply with new font-sizes replacing PX units with rem units to allow user browser scaling
- chg: Updated "Copyright 2004-2024" (static) to "Copyright 2004 - 2025"
- chg: Changed the index header from text to a Voodoo Stats Processor logo with a hover-over effect
- chg: Changed the location of all */inconsets/ and */rolesets/ from */default/default/* or */default/default/default/default.webp to the simplified */default/default.webp
- chg: Changed a lot of the wording within VSP™ and most all the files. (Did not work extensively on RTCW / SOF / COD / WET / ETC. they use Q3A for the base)
- chg: Changed the generic page navigation and used pagination in index and gamestats pages and eliminated the need for top and bottom and just kept the bottom.
- chg: Changed so many if statements to case statements (could not track them all)
- fix: Rewrote Quake 3 Awards Generator for weapons and items used in the game (vsp-media-q3a-default required)
- fix: Q3A savestate checks were also fixed with PHP 8.2 as Quake 3 log is a single file and tracks by GAMEID
- fix: Fix a lot of quirks with HTML rendering code which made the pages render improperly
- fix: Addressed SQL queries not returning data due to an #1052 - Column 'role' in SELECT is ambiguous in the script
- fix: Page Loaded tag to comply with font-size adhering to user browser scaling factors
- fix: Last minute fix to the Q3A default-awards.php file to fix the image file naming conventions for each weapon

NOTE: NO KNOWN ISSUES! We are still considering dropping support for COD / SOF2 / WET / RTCW / etc. in 2025. We will keep them for now.

TO DO: Update the Outdated Document. This is going to be done when time permits. It took 3+ months to address the issues here, it was not easy as it has been neglected for over a decade. Our Apologies as we work on bringing you an up-to-date ReadME instructions.
Add Q3A role / icons to show the model the player actually uses.

    This is mainly a fix dealing with Q3 and its mods. We'd fixed one thing, something else broke. This happened several times causing a domino effect. There have been so many fixes and changes in this release, we couldn't documented every single one of them! We gone through a lot of trial and error to bring you this flawless version. The changes above are core functionality issues and graphical design rendering seen in both CLI (terminal) and Web Mode Access interfaces.

There have been so many changes with this version, if we documented all of them, it would be a million feet long! The changes above are the note worthy ones.

If anything else needs to be addressed, please let us know so that we can further improve VSP™ code and keep VSP™ up-to-date as possible.

In order to view all sections of the VSP™ form, you must be a member and register. This also means if you need assistance or need to report a bug.

Files will be provided in three formats. .ZIP, .RAR and .7z as 7ZIP produces a smaller compressed file and is freeware as it is almost half the size of a zip or rar.

By Downloading and using VSP™ you agree to the following:
Quote from: License Agreement================================================================================
Disclaimer/Legal Info/License Agreement:

The Software is provided on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of any kind,
including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a
particular purpose and non-infringement. The entire risk as to the quality and
performance of the Software is borne by you. Should the Software prove
defective, you alone will assume the entire cost of any service and repair.
In addition, the security mechanisms implemented in VSP have inherent
limitations, and you must determine that the Software sufficiently meets your
requirements. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of the

This program is free for personal non-profit use only.

Commercial use is strictly prohibited.

Redistribution of modified modules/package is strictly prohibited.

If you plan to use this program for a sponsored/commercial event/website,
you must you must pay a licensing fee to get written consent from the author / maintainer.

You may:
  •     customize the Software's design and operation to suit the internal needs
        of your web site (gamemod-gametype only)
  •     produce and distribute modification instructions, Themes or Skins provided
        that they contain notification that they were originally created by VSP™.
  •     create applications which interface with the operation of the Software
        provided said application is an original work

You may not:

  •     permit other individuals to use the Software except under the terms listed
  •     reverse engineer, disassemble, or create derivative works based on the
        Software for distribution or usage outside your web site excluding those
        applications described here
  •     modify and/or remove any copyright notices, links or labels on the Software
        on each page and in the header/footer of each script source file
  •     distribute modified versions of the Software
  •     distribute individual copies of files, libraries, or other programming
        material in the Software package
  •     distribute or modify proprietary graphics, HTML, or CSS packaged with the
        Software for use in Software applications other than VSP™ or web sites
        without written permission from the author(s) of VSP™.
  •     use the Software in such as way as to condone or encourage terrorism,
        promote or provide pirated Software, or any other form of illegal or
        damaging activity

This Agreement will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with the
limitations described herein. On termination, you must destroy all copies of
the Software within 48 hours.

For questions, email krillinsworld AT gmail DOT com

Thank you for your interests in VSP™ The Voodoo Stats Processor!
VSP™ v1.1.52 Released currently working on v1.1.53 in progress