
Started by Krillin, November 25, 2013, 12:48:52 AM

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Some may have noticed, but there is a big problem with the CS:GO gamemodes_server.txt.example file from VALVe / Steam content servers. This file is simply hosed up in the worst possible way. So, I have complied a fix from our own servers along with the new changes made in the stated file. I left our custom changes in there, mainly our map rotation for Classic and Competitive modes. You can find this in our download section right HERE for your convenience. The file is named gamemodes_server.txt and is set for default settings except the above changes with the new maps for CS:GO at the time of this post.

Again, visit our download section and find the gamemodes_server.txt here;,195.0.html and the attached file.

Best Regards,

Or for those who do not want to go to our download section and get the file, here is the contents of the file. I originally wanted to call the file "gamemodes_server.example.txt" to avoid any confusion with extensions and avoid the morons from OVERWRITING the newly formed file. I will update as needed IF needed. (You know how they change things with our servers).
Code (gamemodes_server.txt) Select
// To use this file rename it from gamemodes_server.example.txt to gamemodes_server.txt
// Values here override the default gamemodes.txt

// This verion of the defunked gamemodes_server.txt.example renamed gamemodes_server.example.txt
// for easier editing and renaming for extentions.
// This file was kindly provided by the owner / developer, Krillin, of



"maxplayers" "30" // Note that maxplayers doesn't go in the convar block.
// Another way to set maxplayers is to add -maxplayers_override XX to the cmd line.
// Any config files listed here will be executed after the ones in gamemodes.txt.
"exec" "server_last.cfg"

// Map groups for online modes
"mg_bomb" ""
"mg_hostage" ""
"mg_dust" ""
"mg_bomb_se" ""
"mg_custom" "" // To use this change your server launch script or batch to +mapgroup mg_custom +map de_dust2

"maxplayers" "11" // Note that maxplayers doesn't go in the convar block.
// Another way to set maxplayers is to add -maxplayers_override XX to the cmd line.
// Any config files listed here will be executed after the ones in gamemodes.txt.
"exec" "server_last.cfg"

// Map groups for online modes
"mg_bomb" ""
"mg_hostage" ""
"mg_dust" ""
"mg_bomb_se" ""
"mg_custom" "" // To use this change your server launch script or batch to +mapgroup mg_custom +map de_dust2
// This is the list of game modes supported by this game type.

"maxplayers" "10" // Note that maxplayers doesn't go in the convar block.
// Another way to set maxplayers is to add -maxplayers_override XX to the cmd line.
// Any config files listed here will be executed after the ones in gamemodes.txt.
"exec" "server_last.cfg"

// Map groups for online modes
"mg_armsrace" ""

"no_reset_vote_threshold_ct" "knife"
"no_reset_vote_threshold_t" "knife"

"mp9" { "kills" "2" }
"mac10" { "kills" "2" }
"mp7" { "kills" "2" }
"bizon" { "kills" "2" }
"ump45" { "kills" "2" }
"p90" { "kills" "2" }
"nova" { "kills" "2" }
"mag7" { "kills" "2" }
"xm1014" { "kills" "2" }
"sawedoff" { "kills" "2" }
"galilar" { "kills" "2" }
"famas" { "kills" "2" }
"ak47" { "kills" "2" }
"m4a1" { "kills" "2" }
"sg556" { "kills" "2" }
"aug" { "kills" "2" }
"awp" { "kills" "2" }
"m249" { "kills" "2" }
"negev" { "kills" "2" }
"glock" { "kills" "2" }
"hkp2000" { "kills" "2" }
"tec9" { "kills" "2" }
"p250" { "kills" "2" }
"deagle" { "kills" "2" }
"fiveseven" { "kills" "2" }
"elite" { "kills" "2" }
"knifegg" { "kills" "1" }

"mp9" { "kills" "2" }
"mac10" { "kills" "2" }
"mp7" { "kills" "2" }
"bizon" { "kills" "2" }
"ump45" { "kills" "2" }
"p90" { "kills" "2" }
"nova" { "kills" "2" }
"mag7" { "kills" "2" }
"xm1014" { "kills" "2" }
"sawedoff" { "kills" "2" }
"galilar" { "kills" "2" }
"famas" { "kills" "2" }
"ak47" { "kills" "2" }
"m4a1" { "kills" "2" }
"sg556" { "kills" "2" }
"aug" { "kills" "2" }
"awp" { "kills" "2" }
"m249" { "kills" "2" }
"negev" { "kills" "2" }
"glock" { "kills" "2" }
"hkp2000" { "kills" "2" }
"tec9" { "kills" "2" }
"p250" { "kills" "2" }
"deagle" { "kills" "2" }
"fiveseven" { "kills" "2" }
"elite" { "kills" "2" }
"knifegg" { "kills" "2" }


"maxplayers" "10" // Note that maxplayers doesn't go in the convar block.
// Another way to set maxplayers is to add -maxplayers_override XX to the cmd line.
// Any config files listed here will be executed after the ones in gamemodes.txt.
"exec" "server_last.cfg"

// Map groups for online modes
"mg_demolition" ""

"m4a1" { "kills" "1" }
"p90" { "kills" "1" }
"ump45" { "kills" "1" }
"deagle" { "kills" "1" }
"nova" { "kills" "1" }
"fiveseven" { "kills" "1" }
"hkp2000" { "kills" "1" }
"ssg08" { "kills" "1" }
"awp" { "kills" "1" }
"Scar20" { "kills" "1" }

"ak47" { "kills" "1" }
"p90" { "kills" "1" }
"bizon" { "kills" "1" }
"deagle" { "kills" "1" }
"nova" { "kills" "1" }
"p250" { "kills" "1" }
"glock" { "kills" "1" }
"ssg08" { "kills" "1" }
"awp" { "kills" "1" }
"g3sg1" { "kills" "1" }

// Map groups
// To use a mapgroup, it needs to be defined in a keyvalues
// block such as the example below, as well as listed in the
// 'mapgroupsMP' block within the game mode that will run it,
// such as the example above.
// Then launch the server with '+mapgroup MAPGROUPNAME'
// Example:
// srcds -game csgo +game_mode 1 +mapgroup mg_bomb_se +map de_nuke_se
// Check the developer wiki for updated community info

"mg_bomb_se" // mapgroup definition
"name" "mg_bomb_se"
"de_dust_se" ""
"de_dust2_se" ""
"de_nuke_se" ""
"de_train_se" ""
"de_inferno_se" ""
"de_aztec_se" ""

"mg_custom" // mapgroup definition
"name" "mg_custom"
"cs_agency" ""
"cs_assault" ""
"cs_italy" ""
"cs_militia" ""
"cs_office" ""
"cs_siege" ""
"de_ali" ""
"de_aztec" ""
"de_cache" ""
"de_chinatown" ""
"de_dust" ""
"de_dust2" ""
"de_gwalior" ""
"de_inferno" ""
"de_mirage" ""
"de_nuke" ""
"de_ruins" ""
"de_seaside" ""
"de_shorttrain" ""
"de_train" ""
"de_vertigo" ""

"name" "mg_hostage"
"cs_office" ""
"cs_italy" ""

"name" "mg_bomb"
"de_dust2" ""
"de_train" ""
"de_inferno" ""
"de_dust" ""
"de_aztec" ""
"de_nuke" ""

"name" "mg_dust"
"de_dust" ""
"de_dust2" ""

"name" "mg_armsrace"
"ar_shoots" ""
"ar_baggage" ""

"name" "mg_demolition"
"de_lake" ""
"de_stmarc" ""
"de_sugarcane" ""
"de_bank" ""
"de_safehouse" ""
"de_shorttrain" ""
VSPā„¢ v1.1.52 Released currently working on v1.1.53 in progress